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bila demam,batuk,selsema..orang mesti cakap..
skrg nie musim..tengok r cuaca..
selalu berubah..
ksian cuaca,..huhu..
ak pun slh satu 'mangsanya'..haha
tak baik-baik sampai sekarang..
kepala asyik bengong je..huhu
hacchum sana..hacchum sini..huhu
batuk sana..batuk sini..
3 in 1..hehe
inilah jadinya kalau x mkn ubat..
tp,ble org laen sakit,..
pandai plak swoh mkn ubat..haha
suke ati lerr..haha

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16 mac~

happy jugak time celebrate bday ak..

walaupun tak dapat balik KL 
(adik aku ada kelas tambahan..tsk3)
tapi,kitaorg pergi jalan2 dekat Melaka..
pas2,tgk hikayat merong mahawangsa dkt MP..
biasenya mp tak ramai org..
tapi arinie ramai giler org..huhu
ramai yg g cinema jgk..
lepas dah celebrate bday ak..
tbe2,teringat bday2 ak yg lepas2..
kalau dulu,mse cousin ak duk hostel..
dye budak band..
mse bday ak, dye balik..(cuti r katekan)
dye maenkan ak saxophone..( lagu happy bday)
then,mse bday ak lg satu,..
dye maenkan oboe..
tapi,tahun nie dye busy kt u..
jd,tak balik..huhu..
walauapapun,bday ak ttp dsambut dgn kgembiraan...hahahha
time ksih kpd smue kwn2 yg wish dkt ak..
dkt fb,e-mail / ym,sms,call and face-to-face..hehehe..
thanx sebab wish yea..really appreciate it!!..

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if it not meant to be..

sekarang aku dalam mission..

same with ilya..
but different mission..
trying to forget..
trying to keep the distance..
trying to delete everything..
don't misunderstand okay..??..hehe
if 'it' will meant to be..
hope it comes true..
along with the 'sign'..
though i know it gonna be late..
but if 'it' not meant to be..
just as hard as possible to avoid..
from continue involve in 'that'..
hope to know which way
to take..
which action to make..
and so far i'm gonna think
will always think
it will not gonna meant to be..
(negative thinking right??)
but i'm a human..
i'm grew enough to know 
not everything gonna be the way we want
but after that we gonna realised that
it happened in the best way..
after all,ALLAH knows the best..
and i just believed
it gonna be normal..
as long as it is meant to be..

~hard to understand leyh..hehe..~

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time sekolah..


tak best r sekolah..cepat r cuti..xsabar nie..abis sekolah lagi best..
tak best r da abis sekolah..cepat r sambung blajar..xsabar nie..

kalau dulu time sekolah..waktu cuti mmg saat 'golden'..
aku mmg manfaatkan saat2 tue dgn berhemah..haha
mane taknya..bile parents ak dok tnye homework..
*dah siap ke blom??..ble nak buat nie..*
---relax2..tommorrow never die..--
( jgn ikut yea..huhu)
then,ha,amik ko..last2 minute bwu terkial2 nak buat..
time da abis sekolah nie r..
bwu kita sedar betapa syoknya time sk..
barulah banyak benda nak rindu..:

-rindu nak chitchat dgn kawan-
(tapi bukan gosip2 sebarkan fitnah yea..haha)

-rindu nak bebel dkt klas-

" siapa bertugas arini..cepat r kemas kn klas.."
"siapa lagi belum hantar report card"
"siapa nak bayar duit"

-rindu nak tgk muke dak2 klas yg slalu wat mke sposen-

"sheril,sori lupa nak bawak..esok boleh??"
"ala..aku da ingt da smalam.."
yg paling lawak..
"ekh..tak tahu pun kena hantar"
(abis yg ak dok menjerit tiap2 ari tue pe??.)

-yang paling menyirap tapi rindu-
( erk ??)
ble ak tnye sape btugas..
masing2 wat busy..
mle r kuarkn buku..
b'bincang knon..
ade yg kuar nk g tandas knon..
g jmpe ckg r..
de yg tido..
tapi,tak semua mcm tue,ade yg tolong sapu2,buang smph..
ade yg jlnkn tugas dye..
nak marah2 pun aku pikir nk wtpe..
kalau org mrah aku pun aku xske..
lagi r xnk dgr ckp org tue kn..
pape pun,best r..
dak klas ak smuenyer sporting2..
kpd sspe dak klas ak yg bce post nie..
ak nk minx maaf klu wat salah kt korg..
terasa ke dgn jokes..terperli ke..
xbmksud pn..huhu

-rindu nak g sana sini-
time sk,tiap2 ari kne g jmpe ckg
kdg2 msk klas lmbat..
tak sempat rehat pun de..
kdg2 rehat kt klas je, 
huhu..( rehat kt klas?? abis r klu ckg tau..)

-rindu kt kwn2-
byk sgt..tkot xtlis nti kcik ati..huhuu..
jdk spe yg kwn ak tue..
ak rindu korg..

as a conclusion for tdy,
bak kata akma,
ckp je r..
rindu nak jadik monitor yg busy..

 p/s: hope takde yg anggp ak nie sje je nk kcoh2..huhu..mnjengkelkn ke..h0ho.. 

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cuti sekolah

kalau dulu,masa sekolah..cuti sekolahlah yang paling best !!
dapat cuti2..tp,homework melambak r..
tapi yang paling best asal birthday aku je mesti cuti..
ingat lagi mase kt skul,orang happy2 psl cuti bln 3..
then,aku pn mencelah..sje2 nk hiburkn ati..haha

asal bday ak je msti cuti..mnandakan kerajaan mnyambut bday aku..jadi,korang dberi cuti utk meraikan bday aku..hahaha..( merepek sudahh...mcm r bday ak sowg je kn..hehe)

adik aku dekat JB pun balik..happy..wlupun dye muda 3 ta0n dari ak..
tapi,tinggi dye lbih kurang mcm ak..baju dye pun ak muat..hehe..

yg ane satu ak..??..hehe..ijau2..

kalau sekali pandang,orang ingat aku dgn dye kembar..hehe
family ak ckp nampaknya lama2 akulah yang paling 'comel'..
(cakap je r ak pendek an..tsk3..)
adik2 laki aku dah besar nanti mesti lagi tinggi..
adik pmpuan ak lak da tinggi sama aku..
tapi xkisah pun..

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5 days till my birthday..yeah!!..
going 18..
getting adult..

being more serious
start thinking about adults things..
learning adult's life..
(mama and papa out of sudden talking about it)
knowing 'the world'..
enjoy though complicated..
lots of things to think..
then,pop out a question,
i'm just going to be eighteen..not trying to build own life..nor married..hehe
they said,. .it just a knowledge before stepping to a next stage..
then,the hardest part comes..

trying to be silent..

testing for some time..

still trying..

then,mission impossible....

leaving my 'old world'..??
though old creating new??
totally impossible..
s0,recovering to normal..
although my age getting up,i'm still me !!!!

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