hidup ini tidak perlu terlalu banyak warna-warni macam pelangi.. tapi cukup setakat kita tahu yang hidup ini bukan hanya hitam dan putih..

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true friend or best friend ??

best friend is the one who you love to hang out with,
someone who filling the spaces..
someone who will be with you in good and bad..
best friend is your closest friend,
you know each other and always be there for one another..
you share your stories..
one who you go to when you need their shoulder for you to cry..
not all best friend be with you because of you..
some only be with you because they need you
for some reasons
but one day they will go 
for some reasons..
even you don't really understand..

true friend is the one you can trust under any circumstances..
who will always be there in time you need or not..
despite all the arguments,differences you have..
the one you can depend 100%..
the one who never talk about you behind your back,
the one who never lie to you,
the one who offers you their shoulder..
the one who knows what you say and listen to what you don't say..
the one who is extremely hard to find..
 but distance is not a matter for them..
cause you are always in their heart..
always walks in and stay by you
when the world walks out..
the most important thing,
they know the song of your heart and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten the words..

best friend is more easier to find than true friend..
it needs a lot of seconds,minutes,hours,
days,weeks and even years..
to find them..
true friend can't be gain in a glance..
best friend sometimes can be true friend
but not most of the time..
between two of them 
there also similarity
which is you can't live without both of them
to make your life more brighter and happier..

so,do you have true friend??
start searching now 
cause i'm also searching for my true friend..

if all my friends were to jump off the bridge,
i wouldn't jump with them,
i would be at the bottom to catch them..

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akmaomar said...

i could be one. if u want to. :) saye slalu ade utk awak. tau kan? ;))

sheryl said...

thanx beb..sy pn slalu ade utk awk..
tbe2 rindu time kte f.4 dlu..huhu

akmaomar said...

tau takpe... form 5 kite tak rapat cam time kite form 4 kann ..? hurm ..

sheryl said...

a'ah..huhu..hpe dpt u sme kn..

akmaomar said...

hope so ..;)

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